Sunday, April 25, 2010

Escaping into 90s grunge ....

It's been hard lately. Too many things out of my control happening at once to people important to me. People who I love dearly are hurting and I really need a magic wand to make it all better.

I've found myself slacking again which also happened back a year ago when other crappy stuff started happening. I have to kick out of that mindset before I go back into lump mode. Too much clutter and 8lbs of stress weight ended up resulting from that. Minor things in the grand scheme of the world but I don't need/want to deal with that again.

I've been thinking of tattoos lately again. While I don't have any I have always found them intriguing. I've caught up on most of the latest season of LA Ink as well which is fueling it. For years I had no idea what to get and thought it best to wait. If I had gotten one at 18, I'd have the Nirvana smiley face somewhere, probably on my back. I'm leaning more so to something star/dragonfly/swirled design. I have a concept in my head that I will end up drawing one of these days. I figure if I draw it and frame it somewhere - even if it's just a tiny frame somewhere in my space then I can see if I hate it after awhile or if I want to change it, keep it, and then just go.

I have 90s grunge on LastFM today. I need it and it's making me feel better. I am a firm believer that it helps, good music that is. Esp if it is female based, then you have to feel just a bit bad arse rocking out to it. If only Doc Martins came in my size back then.