I'm trying to stick to my resolutions and so far I think it has been semi productive for almost one month in...
1. Try something new that is out of my comfort zone, but not dangerously so.
Check - went to the hospital to visit Turnip the day she was born. I hate going to hospitals. They just freak me out. Maternity ward didn't have as many IVs or needles or tubes as the last time I was in a general ward. That stuff makes me all woozy.
2. Get more organized.
A slow start. I need to work on it esp w the cat insistant on knocking things off the shelves in my closet. I specifically bought baskets so he couldn't knock the stuff off the shelf. Now he just takes down the entire basket. UGH.
3. Continue working on a healthier life.
Weekly class, check. Treadmill, semicheck - shoulder/neck pain + offkilter schedule not helping. I just need to get on it and go for at least 20 mins. Food choices - NOT diet - wheat pasta, more fresh fruit, not cutting out snacky/sweets but not making that initial choices when hungry, less soda
4. Make sure I make time for me.
Yes and no. I'm trying to make 8-9pm me time. Then I can get some relax time before bed and not go to bed all wired.
5. Get the library card reinstated and read more.
Check, last batch of books due Sat and I will be getting more.
6. Finish WIPs and try to keep no more than two on the needles.
Ih, as always, ih and of course there is a new pattern I want to start. Stupid mittens are mocking me bc I should wait.
7. Travel w The Husband on an us only trip even if it's a short weekend one.
Time not yet allowed
8. Try new recipes - cooking and baking.
Kick n Chicken green bean pasta is a start.
9. Teach Molly a new trick.
She's learning high five and if she is laying down it works.
10. Take more pictures include doing a 365 project.
Started. WOOHOO!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Grrr Arrrrg - Cue little finger puppet
Today is a stompy day, rather this evening. Stuff around the house that needs to be done is being done - minus this quick entry - and that is good. I'd rather to be doing something else but knowing this is done will make me happy. I'd rather Little Cat be doing something else as well since running up the chair, bouncing off the wall, running down the chair, off the hope chest, turning around, bounding back the way he came, run aroudn the floor, REPEAT is getting annoying. Meh. Meh. Meh.
A good side though was my smoothie this morning made me go "nah" as I walked past Dunkin Donuts. Yay! Don't get me wrong I'm not totally anti-donuts but I feel so much better w a smoothie breakfast. It keeps with my get/stay healthy new years resolution as well. I'm doing pretty good w them so far.
Todays 10 for Tuesday: 10 Fav sports moments...errr well 4.
1. White Sox winning world series
2. Being on TV due to a Erstad home run a couple of years ago.
3. Watching the Hawks play new years day in the 09 Winter classic
4. Going to my first Cubs game w my Cubs fan hubby and being on tv serious faced with everyone else dancing around
Ok now I'm off to get whatever it being kitty-chomped on right now and back to work.
A good side though was my smoothie this morning made me go "nah" as I walked past Dunkin Donuts. Yay! Don't get me wrong I'm not totally anti-donuts but I feel so much better w a smoothie breakfast. It keeps with my get/stay healthy new years resolution as well. I'm doing pretty good w them so far.
Todays 10 for Tuesday: 10 Fav sports moments...errr well 4.
1. White Sox winning world series
2. Being on TV due to a Erstad home run a couple of years ago.
3. Watching the Hawks play new years day in the 09 Winter classic
4. Going to my first Cubs game w my Cubs fan hubby and being on tv serious faced with everyone else dancing around
Ok now I'm off to get whatever it being kitty-chomped on right now and back to work.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Why do I feel like I should be doing jumping jacks?
I'm totally wired right now. I am thinking it was from the Mt Dew from dinner. We've been drinking less soda now that the holidays are over and with it the overload of sugar/soda/delicious baked goodness and I think the sugar is making me go wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I prob could do a good 30 mins on the treadmill right now. Being my day off of it though, I'm thinking it best not to do so. I'm trying to go one day on, day or two off since I know my leg muscles will revolt and then it won't be beneficial at all. Sitting around going OW doesn't do anything.
While I've never been a crazy preachy health nut and do have a sweet tooth, I'm making sure I make healthy choices in what I eat and how much activity I do. I've found the last few months if I work out/walk/do something once or twice a week I feel better and sleep better.
Speaking of sleep, I had both furrbuckets on me this morning getting their momma-time as they do every time I have a day off, this time being for the MLK holiday. I have to give them both a good amount of scritches and then they are content.
Laundry overran knitting today but I did get some done this morning. The second skein has enough left to stay in skein-ish shape but enough gone to flop over. Technical terms, I know. I figure if I can get the second one done by the end of the week that will work for me.
We watched Resident Evil: Evolution tonight. I liked is, as did I the other two. At times it may be somewhat predictable in a general sense, but finding out how they are gonna make something jump out and attack is fun.
I'm enjoying the knit/craft photo group. I always have fun meeting up w fellow knitters or crafty people and seeing what they are into as well so this is a fast way to do so. Also, I need to find the cable for the better digi cam so I can take some more creative shots. I love my little digicam but my gorillapod is for the big one. Gotta love a tripod that you can wear as a hat.
While I've never been a crazy preachy health nut and do have a sweet tooth, I'm making sure I make healthy choices in what I eat and how much activity I do. I've found the last few months if I work out/walk/do something once or twice a week I feel better and sleep better.
Speaking of sleep, I had both furrbuckets on me this morning getting their momma-time as they do every time I have a day off, this time being for the MLK holiday. I have to give them both a good amount of scritches and then they are content.
Laundry overran knitting today but I did get some done this morning. The second skein has enough left to stay in skein-ish shape but enough gone to flop over. Technical terms, I know. I figure if I can get the second one done by the end of the week that will work for me.
We watched Resident Evil: Evolution tonight. I liked is, as did I the other two. At times it may be somewhat predictable in a general sense, but finding out how they are gonna make something jump out and attack is fun.
I'm enjoying the knit/craft photo group. I always have fun meeting up w fellow knitters or crafty people and seeing what they are into as well so this is a fast way to do so. Also, I need to find the cable for the better digi cam so I can take some more creative shots. I love my little digicam but my gorillapod is for the big one. Gotta love a tripod that you can wear as a hat.
Dirty but not Dirty Dancing
I watched the pilot for The Beast tonight. I had read about it in the paper and since it is filmed in Chicago, I figured I'd give it a try. I always like seeing local places in movies and television shows esp if I've been in a place that is included. I am going to have to look up the actor who plays Swayze's character's partner bc he seems familiar. Either that or I'm just thinking he's someone else.
I'm enjoying having Netflix though that means working on sharing the XBox since a lot of stuff I've been watching is streamed. True, I can use the laptop to watch them - as well as browse Ravelry, an idea I got from the 365 - but I hadn't gotten around to that just yet.
Baby G's blanket has now been renamed S's blanket. We visited her this week and I know once it's done it'll be used for awhile. Right now with her being so little it'd be overpowering. Plus it'd be hard for her to get her little arms out since both arms out = happy baby. I think she may become a music conductor, or not. It's still cute.
I had thought to knit tonight but The Puppy and I have had a chair war for a few good hours. I know now if I get up for a glass of water or whatnot, she will take up all the extra space that I was using. Since tomorrow's the holiday, I'll be home and I can work on S's blanket a bit more. I'm on the second skein and am quite happy w the self camo-ing yarn. It's cute in the pink. I could even see it as being edging for something else where it didn't really appear as camo, just using the colors in it.
I've started running, or rather power walking to lead up to running. We have the inlaws old treadmill. It still works but it is LOUD. I've worked on a few playlists and am slowly getting the hang of finding music that has the right tempo. True, I was a band geek/dork/can't recall the proper word to use but not having run for years makes it a bit harder. I can get a good tempo and go for about an hour. I did two miles today which I am proud of and know it's a good start.
I'm enjoying having Netflix though that means working on sharing the XBox since a lot of stuff I've been watching is streamed. True, I can use the laptop to watch them - as well as browse Ravelry, an idea I got from the 365 - but I hadn't gotten around to that just yet.
Baby G's blanket has now been renamed S's blanket. We visited her this week and I know once it's done it'll be used for awhile. Right now with her being so little it'd be overpowering. Plus it'd be hard for her to get her little arms out since both arms out = happy baby. I think she may become a music conductor, or not. It's still cute.
I had thought to knit tonight but The Puppy and I have had a chair war for a few good hours. I know now if I get up for a glass of water or whatnot, she will take up all the extra space that I was using. Since tomorrow's the holiday, I'll be home and I can work on S's blanket a bit more. I'm on the second skein and am quite happy w the self camo-ing yarn. It's cute in the pink. I could even see it as being edging for something else where it didn't really appear as camo, just using the colors in it.
I've started running, or rather power walking to lead up to running. We have the inlaws old treadmill. It still works but it is LOUD. I've worked on a few playlists and am slowly getting the hang of finding music that has the right tempo. True, I was a band geek/dork/can't recall the proper word to use but not having run for years makes it a bit harder. I can get a good tempo and go for about an hour. I did two miles today which I am proud of and know it's a good start.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Ten on Tuesday: 10 things you are really good at
1. Being a good wife.
2. Being a good friend.
3. Disappearing when wandering malls, stores, or places in general
The Husband will turn around, then turn back and I'll be off looking at something else.
4. Procrastinating going to bed
I realistically should be getting ready for it now.
5. Oddball hollywood/celebrity trivia
I used to play weekly trivia at a local pub.
6. Accumulating yarn and patterns.
If only I had a few months to do nothing but knit
7. Bejeweled
If you haven't played it, it is addictive
8. Finding good sales
I once got a $90 sweater for $9 and my fav fun faux leopard coat was originally $250 purchased for $25
9. Collecting rocks
I've been doing so since I was a kid from travels or beach trips. I'm plotting a landscaping endevour once I get enough big ones from the lake.
10. Random stories.
Public transit, life in general. Need an oddball story? Just give me a topic.
2. Being a good friend.
3. Disappearing when wandering malls, stores, or places in general
The Husband will turn around, then turn back and I'll be off looking at something else.
4. Procrastinating going to bed
I realistically should be getting ready for it now.
5. Oddball hollywood/celebrity trivia
I used to play weekly trivia at a local pub.
6. Accumulating yarn and patterns.
If only I had a few months to do nothing but knit
7. Bejeweled
If you haven't played it, it is addictive
8. Finding good sales
I once got a $90 sweater for $9 and my fav fun faux leopard coat was originally $250 purchased for $25
9. Collecting rocks
I've been doing so since I was a kid from travels or beach trips. I'm plotting a landscaping endevour once I get enough big ones from the lake.
10. Random stories.
Public transit, life in general. Need an oddball story? Just give me a topic.
The Crew: The 2nd generation
M & S had their baby girl early this morning - around 3:30, wanting to say 3:35 if I remember correctly, early. The Husband and I went to see her and she is absolutely beautiful.We're talking full head of hair on a chubby cheeked angel that looks like them both. Well as much as a not even a day old baby can resemble her parents. I know she'll look like one, or the other or both as she gets older.
One thing I know is there isn't much like holding a little one in your hands that is just big enough to hold in your hands. I just held her close without really cradling here bc she is so tiny.
I'm gonna like the auntie role.
One thing I know is there isn't much like holding a little one in your hands that is just big enough to hold in your hands. I just held her close without really cradling here bc she is so tiny.
I'm gonna like the auntie role.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Beep, thank you for holding.
Something must have gone wrong or delayed with the warranty/shipping of the powercord. We got it but much later than anticipated. Perhaps I was accidentally misquoted with the turnaround time. Nonetheless, it's working properly without the yellow caution appearing warning me that the laptop was ready to give up.
I had plotted to start the 365 project over the holidays and now I'm glad bc I would have been stuck. I have a few pix - esp some baking ones - that even though they aren't too current I do want to post esp the chocolate ones if they turned out well. I've found a new default cookie, a Hersheys easy bake cookbook based one, for double chocolate cookies. They are wonderful and great as a base for numerous versions.
I just forsee a break, or intending a break esp once all the Fannie Maes that I can eat since there are no peanuts are gone, with all the holiday goodie goodness I'm in a bit of a cookie overload. I was honestly excited when there were yellow and red pepper strips at the The Husband's holiday party. YUM! I love peppers. I recently got an odd look from a friend when I was talking about how I had a taste for one but it was too late to go to the market.
The Hawks scarf is done and being worn. I'm quite happy. I'm glad I ended up with the new supersaver skeins bc it just ended up being the two for the main part. It needed to be long though since The Husband is quite tall. He was talking about a Cubs scarf. Even though I am a White Sox fan, I'll end up making it. Rivalry or no rivalry, I love the guy so of course I'll make it for him.
The baby blanket finally has evolved where I wanted it - after I started over AGAIN. Pink camo for a miliary baby is always a good idea. It's gonna be huge though since I ended up getting six at Hobby Lobby. I'd rather it a bit bigger so they can use it longer. If all goes as planned with her delivery date not being delayed, she will be here in the next few days - possibly even sooner. The first little one of that friends group means she is going to get spoiled - with love, attention, and of course stuff. I've already seen cute little sweaters that I want to try. It's also practive for adult sized sweaters.
I had plotted to start the 365 project over the holidays and now I'm glad bc I would have been stuck. I have a few pix - esp some baking ones - that even though they aren't too current I do want to post esp the chocolate ones if they turned out well. I've found a new default cookie, a Hersheys easy bake cookbook based one, for double chocolate cookies. They are wonderful and great as a base for numerous versions.
I just forsee a break, or intending a break esp once all the Fannie Maes that I can eat since there are no peanuts are gone, with all the holiday goodie goodness I'm in a bit of a cookie overload. I was honestly excited when there were yellow and red pepper strips at the The Husband's holiday party. YUM! I love peppers. I recently got an odd look from a friend when I was talking about how I had a taste for one but it was too late to go to the market.
The Hawks scarf is done and being worn. I'm quite happy. I'm glad I ended up with the new supersaver skeins bc it just ended up being the two for the main part. It needed to be long though since The Husband is quite tall. He was talking about a Cubs scarf. Even though I am a White Sox fan, I'll end up making it. Rivalry or no rivalry, I love the guy so of course I'll make it for him.
The baby blanket finally has evolved where I wanted it - after I started over AGAIN. Pink camo for a miliary baby is always a good idea. It's gonna be huge though since I ended up getting six at Hobby Lobby. I'd rather it a bit bigger so they can use it longer. If all goes as planned with her delivery date not being delayed, she will be here in the next few days - possibly even sooner. The first little one of that friends group means she is going to get spoiled - with love, attention, and of course stuff. I've already seen cute little sweaters that I want to try. It's also practive for adult sized sweaters.
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