Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Woof Meow Woof Meow

Today was vet day for Molly since she was due for her shots. I had forgotten that the waiting room opened two hours before the actual clinic did. We ended up being there a little over two hours. She, however, barked twice (in a row) and growled though it was more of a grumble once when she thought another dog wanted her cookie. I was hungry and animal crackers are basically the human form of dog biscuits so why not. Overall you have to figure that is not bad esp since the last time she kept rolling around on the floor. It was also a year ago so she was a puppy puppy not a 50lb puppy/dog.

I'm still working on the latest WIP. I've stopped the hectic pace on it - keeping it rapid as possible but stressing over knitting never works well. I end up dropping a stitch or messing up my gauge just enough that I notice. Overall it is fine but I know it is there.

Nixmusic will be heading to Alaska this week so no knit nights for awhile. I don't mind at all though esp since I can't wait to hear about her most recent trip there. I do hope to travel there someday. It's on my someday list.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Do I really need a new hobby?

I gained $9.50 from my share of things sold at the garage sale. True it is not that much money but that is less stuff and some happy people including a little girl who was thrilled to get a plastic set of play dishes. There are two more sales of sort plotted for the rest of the summer. I know I have more stuff to try to get rid of since I just found some more toys that could have gone out with the other stuff.

I also gained a few boxes of craft/sewing stuff. Do I need more crafty items? No but really how could I not! Fabric, buttons, and crochet thread. I don't crochet. I know people who do and I have nothing against it but it wasn't something that I picked up on. Perhaps it's needing to get a better hang on knitting - like lace and cables - first. Soooo now with this bunch I have the opportunity to try when I so feel like it.

Of course that will be when the latest WIP is done. A little over two more skeins. It is looking really good but I am wary it won't be enough and then I need to add a border. I really don't have the extra yarn cash to buy a ton of yarn right now. I'm debating but I do plan to get this done asap. I'm hoping it will be fine.

After this is done, I am sooooo just picking a PATTERN and doing that. :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I love my dog. I truly honestly absolutely do but she is being a pain. I woke up this morning to barking and she jumped the fence AGAIN. D is sitting there not even realizing that they both got out. Cosmo can open the screendoor so everyone has to watch. With the new Ghostbusters game getting the majority of his attention - a cool game, that I understand - they snuck out. So the barking lead me to going outside which led me to finding her in the neighbor's yard.


It seems that Molly climbed out/jumped out but with the smooth side of the fence on the other side couldn't get back and she is too heavy for me to lift. I got her leash and went and got her but it's a good thing Lucy, their dog, wasn't out. I don't know how they would interact.

We got a yard lead which P isn't too thrilled about but if she's out a long time we need to at least try it. With our street fairly busy for a residential neighborhood I don't want an injured dog.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What? Are you calling me?

I was upstairs earlier today and kept hearing "yarn...yarn...yarn...yarn" from the kitchen. Thinking I was being mocked by the one who actually had a mullet, I came downstairs to find him trying to upload pictures from our camera. I didn't realize that he had to transfer them all and he didn't understand why all the yarn pictures. When I told him it was for Ravelry a knit/crochet site his wtf expression didn't change.

I love it. I laughed so hard.

Sookie Stackhouse book 1 is done. I can't wait to start the others. I ended up getting (finally) Twilight from the library. I had put it on request months ago. Not thinking the movie was briliant, I decided I best read the book so I can justify my pfffttt-ing at it. We will see.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Frankie is semi-napping in the window making his deflating sound. (I've heard a cat sigh before but never like he does esp when it's various pitches and so almost melodic.) It's the end of the weekend while I do know that lots was done it still feels like it went by too quickly. Perhaps that is the key, stuff was completed/started/attemped.

I attacked the giant weeds that were trying to take over the yard. Hugo - as in Hugo thinks he is the boss - gave the biggest of the fights. I know I should have just pulled the bull thistle when it was smaller but forgetting it led to it getting preeeetty big which made me wonder just how big can it get. It was more so til I was sick of it. I was looking at it while hooping yesterday - which I still need to do today - and decided it was going out w this weeks yard waste bins. I do have a nice place for that wildflower mix since it is gone.

Gardening adventures have continued with the purchase of self-watering flower pots for the tomatoes and the pepper plant. I've never grown hot peppers before so I hope they do well.

Our hammock is still not up and in a way that is a good thing. Today was a perfect sit in the hammock day. Frankie agress as he makes another deflating sound. He, however, is not allowed outside and would probably get stuck in the hammock anyways.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I know I posted a different blog.

Yet it is not here. This is quite odd. Good thing it was short and not really more than yabbering.

I have ended up with a good amount of stuff for the garage sale. It isn't a ton ton ton of stuff but enough to justify being part of it. I'm realistically hoping to make $20. I know it's not a lot of money but I figure if I think some crazy amount that totally is not valid - say $150 - it won't happen and I'll be a bit discouraged. I think of it too that esp with the kid stuff, someone out there will enjoy it and it is much better than sitting in a box in the attic. I did keep quite a bit of stuff but since P and I are planning to have a family someday kid books, esp the ones that are learning ones as well as storybooks, are a must. I'm a big believer in reading to kids even at a "super early" age. Turnip isn't quite 5 months yet and M reads to her, so much that she recognizes books, or magazines and that the pages turn.

Mulletboy - our friend/roommate PM's new name for now - actually got one. I cannot believe he would seriously go out and get one but luckily he plans to get a real haircut to get rid of it. It WAS a joke and all but it is still disturbing esp with aviator sunglasses. I keep wanting to watch Fast Times at Ridgemont High ever since he got back from getting it cut.

I got some weeding done this afternoon which is good minus the scrape on my right index finger that I forsee slowing my knitting a bit. It's just enough to be a bit of a owe! in that minor annoying because it barely hurts sense. I did get a bunch of work done on the blanket earlier today. It is in that mocking state since that skein is almost finished. I plan to see if I can get it done tonight since the guys will be up late as well.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New blooms yet seriously, where is summer?

New blooms
Originally uploaded by mustbuymoreyarn
The garden is thinking it is summertime and so is the calendar with it saying "June" and all but I think it is confused. I ended up wearing my legwarmers, which were actually one of the first things I ever knitted, home today. EEP! I'm seriously thinking of making another set in a more springish color. I do have the multiple skiens of pink from Big R's mom's basement.

The last few days have been quite the whirlwind. I know there was a weekend but it went by so quickly. Friday was M's birthday at the irish pub that smelled like varnish or wood glue or something. It was a nice place but every now and then I couldn't help but stop and think of how odd of a smell there was inside.

Saturday was my super day of running amuck. After living my entire life in the Chicagoland area, I finally made it to Printers Row Book Fair. I had planned in the past but for one reason or another never quite made it. This year there were two authors that were speaking that I had hoped to see, and go all fangirl babbly mode -- Jen Lancaster who was speaking at 11 am and Neil Gaiman who was speaking at noon. I later read that the tickets were sold out and was not happy one bit til I realized it was Neil Gaiman since he was inside the Library. Phew. If it was both I'd not bothered going downtown. I still had quite the adventure.

I deliberately left extra time to get downtown figging it was a book fair and all and I'd browse a bit. I brought Pretty in Plaid with me, since it was a speak/sign event, with the last bit to read on the el/waiting for her to speak. I get on the train at Midway after waiting for the doors to open for awhile (first sign something was odd - Saturday or not that was a bit of a wait) and we just sit there. I read, check the time on my phone and not too long passes until we're on our way. Then a bit later the train stops and we find out that they are doing railwork and we wait and we wait. I try not to get livid since I had been looking foward to this and wasn't sure how long the speaking engagements last. If I get there and everthing is done, I was going to be in a foul mood for the rest of the day and having M's bachelorette party that evening, I really didn't want to be in such a state.

After what seems like ages, I get to my el stop, jet off the train and manage to get past the adorable little munchkin and her mom that were using up 90% of the staircase as they walked ahead of me. I'm literally running down the street to the corner, realize I shouldn't be running since I looked a bit kooky, was out of breath (and seriously needing to get back on the fitness routine,) and if I missed it there was nothing I could do.

After all the grr-ing and channeling parts in Jen Lancaster's writing about the wacky el people/bus people, I get to the tent. I did miss part of her time at the mic but the time I managed was funny. She is as witty in person as in her books. I was able to have my book signed and she was kind enough to take a picture. (I'm sooo grinning like a goofball.)

Since I was in the area I took a trip to Loopy Yarns to browse (which included getting a cute grey felted sheep notions pouch that will work very well) since when in a super hyper mood why NOT add to it and go to a LYS that makes total sense. Ysolda Teague was there with her book and samples. Nixmusic and I had planned to go to Nana's on Tuesday and so I didn't get the book then and there but chatted a bit and took a picture together.
Loopy Yarns meeting
Originally uploaded by mustbuymoreyarn

Since it being Tuesday and all, we went to Nana's, bought her book and had them signed. I also got some input from her on a particular yarn and Ishbel. (A swatch to see if it will work will be the deciding factor.) Nixmusic is already debating which colors for Cairn.

Now it's time to unwind with some Gossip Girl (the things you "find" on "regular" TV after getting rid of the cable TV that you rarely watched.) and S's blanket. Well try to unwind since Cosmo has now figured out how to unlock the baby gate that keeps them both in "dogland" as we call the family room. So far a twist tie is keeping him stuck but who knows for how long.

Note: my photo's aren't formatting right so I will need to go back to this later.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Vienna Boys/Talking Heads

I am in a Talking Heads mood. What's even better??? The Vienna Boys Choir covering Burning Down the House. It's disturbingly annoyingly addictive. I fully think the song - cover or not - is one of those must dance about to it. I'm trying to figure out a 365 for it. I'll have to think it over otherwise I'll end up with me just rocking out.

I've slacked off a bit on my phototaking. Today's was a result of not sure if the red blotchiness was an allergic reaction to something or my being a bit over zealous with the face scrub. While I know the ladies - and guy or two - probably don't really care, I haven't had a chance to actually talk to any and not care with the whole I look like crap. That was one of the reasons I stopped before as well.

I do have a crazy idea that will take some time to set up. I'm plotting it for the near future. I know P will think I'm kooky but it will end up quite cool. Just need to make sure I have the furniture set up correctly so the framing it right.

So my non-photo time has lead to more knitting and more SLEEP. Oh sleep how I've missed you. I don't know why I wasn't sleeping well but at least 2 weeks if not more got to the point where it was annoying.

I was looking up LYS in the Milwaukee area a bit earlier. I'm figuring w A & nixmusic both being interested in a trip to the Cedarburg Winery we might as well. A isn't a knitter but wandering a bit is something I think she'll tolerate.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So that's what the back of the fridge looks like

I woke up today to find that P was on a cleaning kick last night which was quite sweet of him since I had a day off today. (I had gone to bed early since I was dozing while watching a movie.) That way I didn't have to do the major kitchen clean up. It was all sparkly and shiney - the parts that could be sparkly and shiney of course. If the cutting board was all glittery I'd be concerned unless there was a note that Edward was on ice in the backyard. (I can't help it - making fun of Twilight is just SO much fun. True I will read the books so that I can justify my laughter but it is still FUN.)

I spent a good amount of time knitting which is always nice. The sun was coming in through the blinds and it all was so relaxing. If we didn't have to do stuff today - eat lunch, put on shoes, run errands etc, I probably would have spent the majority of the day on that couch.

M and Turnip came by again today. I'm getting spoiled even with her headbutting me then crying. She was cranky as babies can be and I was telling her that I knew being a baby was a hardlife and bouncing her about. She stopped eventually and had everyone looking at her as usual. She's too adorable so it totally makes sense. She better get used to it - when she has an idea of what is going on of course.

Right now I'm sitting here with that wonky pre-headache headache. I took some of the magic pills known as Exedrin Migrane and am hoping it will kick in since I had hoped to either watch The Bachelorette online or read a bit. Realistically I think the book/bed combo will work.