Saturday, August 1, 2009


We are currently out of greek yogurt and this photo is making running out to get some quite tempting. The fact that we have to be out in about 2 hrs - that time including getting ready time - smushes that idea.

I'm reading a new book - Cream Puff Murder by Joanne Fluke. ( and in it as some receipes that look quite tasty. One is for carrot cake cookies so I've had carrot cake on the brain now. I'm debating making carrot cake muffins tomorrow. I found a receipe that looks good. There isn't any cream cheese in the fridge so that has it on pause. While I know that there is no rule that the frosting is needed, I always think of it. I'll prob keep some plain for breakfast too.

I got a good three hours of work knitting last night. It continues to taunt me but it's progressing. I think I may need help - Turnip's aunt - to make sure the size works before her/her mom/my friend actually gets it.

My BIL and soon to be sister-in-law set a date - August 15. I'm excited for them since they haven't been able to decide on a date for some time. It's an informal reception at our house (which will make this house in immaculate condition) and lowkey = so them. I can't see them doing ANYTHING that can be considered fussy/foo foo.