Monday, December 22, 2008

The guy on the radio said what???

Negative FIFTEEN with windchill. Yes, -15 degrees today. I had last minute stuff to get done and with no blowing snow or insane wind I warmed up the car, pleased with the driveway to not slide into the gate which would not open all the way, and ventured out. I had on my down coat of course.

So the last of the Christmas presents, more so additional parts, are done. I need to wrap and I'm set. The cards are sitting next to me and look like they will be sent next year instead.

I'll be baking most likely all of tomorrow morning - happily though I must say. The double chocolate cookie receipe I have down and so it'll be fast, fun, and sprinkled. I even picked up some white chocolate chips for them as well. I do plan to have the mint chocolate drizzled on some of them but thought to mix it up since we have three family related holiday celebrations.

Right now I'm thinking a large bowl of the hodgepodge chili I made - pound of ground beef, 1/4 of an onion, 1/2 red pepper, 1/2 yellow pepper, can of assorted beans, can of stewed tomatoes w celery and green pepper, can of Hormel chili w beans, and my salsa mix I made before - diced tomatoes, frozen corn, canned sliced jalapenos, can of black beans with cayenne pepper, chili powder, and the black/red pepper shaker combo. It has an actual name but I can't remember it - hot shot maybe. So it's been sitting on the stove stewing.

I want to work on some of my knitting tonight. I've been doing well of the Blackhawks scarf. I'd just need to find something to watch on tv to veg out to, something holiday related most likely. I know those movies are so predictable but they are still cute.

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