Monday, April 13, 2009

Freebie Freebie

I've starting finding random freebies and coupons online. I figured why not. Plus when I find munchkin stuff I can fwd it to M for Turnip (who is getting so big at 4 months. She already likes Led Zep and cries at Radiohead though the cry may have been for a bottle. We'll see when she's not hungry.)

The free samples list so far:

Nicoderm patch + $7 off coupon - for Mr MBMY when he goes back to trying to quit

Crestwhite strip - one top/bottom = fast teeth brighten when needed

Kotex - tampons, pads in creepy present box.

I signed up for more stuff so lets see what else comes soon.

PLUS my Fitness mag should be starting soon. I got SELF as well. Just need to pay that bill. :)

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