Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Honey Oat Quick Bread: How baking didn't end up as burning

I totally lucked out finding this recipe. It turned out, tasted good, and most importantly did not end up with a crazy burnt shell as was the case with the apple cake. (That I am blaming on the sugar content in the ingredients."

I am continuing my goal of learning/cooking more. While I can techinically feed myself with what I cook it's not always "pretty." Mixmosh in a skillet/pan including some sort of pasta/grain/bean works just fine for me but it's not something I would serve for a dinner party... if we actually had one. I find myself going back again and again to the Eating Well website which is good since it is healthy stuff. Most stuff you can add way too much frosting or cheese to it as well if I was to - de-healthify it. (OK that is not a word but I'm leaving it.) I've found a few other sites that look interesting as well and plan to try some from there as well.

I need to stop looking at fabric online esp since the sewing machine still isn't out of the box. It will be once we attack the upstairs room. I so want to get rid of that stupid rug in there since it never stays clean and smells funky. (Cleaning it and waiting an hour after it dries = funk is back...ugh.) I have some great ideas for some embroidered bags though once I get up and running with it. I figure if the seams aren't perfectly straight and there are pretty designs stitched into it, it balances it out.

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