Friday, April 25, 2008

Yarn Harlot

Tonight is the meet/greet/book signing for the Yarn Harlot's latest book. I'm so excited. N & I have been talking about going to a coffee place to chat & knit for ages. It all kept being pushed back due to whatever random thing and most recently the wedding/house stuff. This will be amusing esp since I plan to wear my knitting shirt.

I'm tempted to try to get on Ravelry since I've heard raved reviews about it but I know it is a yarn-ey vortex of goodness. One that will suck me in and not want to let me go so I can finish the other projects around here. I know I'll still go ahead and sign up.

I've been all excited about gardening this week and now have a day off today. It's windy, like screen door will try to attack the side of the house windy if you don't hang onto it. Oh well. Maybe it's a sign to cut faster? The bushes need it. I'm thinking perhaps blitz mode.

Now the true test is if I can get errands done in less than 2 hrs. I highly doubt it. :p

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