Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dear Summer,

Beach from dunes
Originally uploaded by mustbuymoreyarn
Please come back.

I walked through a pile of leaves on the way home today. While I know it should not be a big deal since it IS nearing the end of September, but it is still weird. We didn't get out hiking but with the leaves changing color I think it's motivation to get out there. I can't help it but love the cliche leaves turning colors photos. They end up too too beautiful in the right light.

In saying that I walked home today, I don't mean from the general bus stop. That I do daily and while it is a short distance, it's still nice esp after sitting on the bus. The bus i was on didn't do the full loop. While I know this varies, I had hoped to not be on one - not knowing since the schedules don't specify. Next time I'll just play Frogger to get across the one semi busy street. Nonetheless the walk felt good and I know it will help me sleep well, that is, if the dog doesn't make a ruckus again today.

My knitting has gone on hiatus for a bit since life in general has been hectic and tired eyes + knitting can lead to a migraine which I don't need. I've been keeping an eye on not eating too much extremely salty/processed foods in an attempt to see if they were triggering them. I know that nitrates are supposed to do that as well so why not chemicals I can't pronounce. So far so good.

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