Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Are you deflating a balloon? No, that's just the cat.

Are you deflating a balloon? No, that's just the cat.
I know that cats make noise. They mew, meow, merow, and hiss. However, Little Cat yodels, sings, talks - helllrrooo & MAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOM - and makes the deflating balloon noise when he's sleeping/half asleep. It was something that I couldn't figure out the best way to describe and it finally came to me today - the deflating sound. Hmm well maybe like an air mattress at times too - not as squeeky.

It looks like I may be doing another baby blanket for a gift, being made as a gift for someone else to give. I'm thinking that C & I, if she does want me to make it and not just thinking of a possibility then we'll be off to Hobby Lobby (the fact that they are closed on Sundays so the workers can have time w their families makes me want to shop there more and more} or Michaels or somewhere. Not the LYS though for something to be baby whatevered on.

LYS yarn though is still needing to figure out a plan. I have four skeins of Stacey Charles Rittratro in that pretty dark black/purpley color. I am too lazy to go look it up as well as that it is buried on the yarn shelf - aka the front hall closet shelf where it's hiding from the yarn-chewer/eater. I originally thought to make a shawl of some sort with it since it has that nice sheen to it. I did find some nice projects on Ravelry that used it. I just can't figure out if I should wait til I get the hang of a basic lace pattern or just make something less intricate so I can actually wear it.

I do know that a lap blanket is something that will be on the needles next spring. Cold legs, ankles, feet, basically from thighs down is not fun when the air conditioner is on, car too. Hmm that would be a good idea - a lap blanket w a seat belt loop or something to keep it from sliding down. AH HAH! I will be rich, or more realistically warmer in the truck for roadtrips or perhaps a plane if we end up somewhere this {next?} summer.

I have a list of places to travel, or at least the start of one. The newspaper recently had some places to go in the Midwest that looked really nice. I had not been much of an outdoorsey person - camping and whatnot - pre dating The Husband. {The Husband may be renamed on here. I'm not sure but there will be *s included if I change.} Camping made me go ih. I liked the trails/easy hiking though. One campground based trip that was a lot of fun led to an 11 mile hike in AZ to one of the most amazing places I've ever been, Havasupai. So locally or more so regionally, I've found some nice camping places, cabins, lodges, or even just low key hotels incl chains but in quaint areas. It would be a trip too that I'd bring knitting. Last one I didn't and had hours in an airport that were perfect for it. Flickr is good too. I put in "hiking" and got some gorgeous pictures of places I never knew about.

I was reading on Raverly and people were talking about how many WIPs they have and it makes me feel better and a tiny bit less of a procrastiknitter. I found myself falling back into the land of other stuff to do rather than that and it as a bit of a "waiiiiiiiiiiit a minute!?!" moment. I don't have xmas/holiday present knitting so that works. I remember the year I made a ton of scarves - 4 x 4 ribbed striped were the majority and they turned out great but lots of rapid needles. I've converted a purse into a temporary knitting bag - one of those fabric quilted ones and it's working well. I'm tempted to just make it a full on knitting bag. I just have to figure out how to hang them w/o the kitties playing with them... NOM! NOM!! NOM! YARN! YARN! YARN!

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