Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Grrr Arrrrg - Cue little finger puppet

Today is a stompy day, rather this evening. Stuff around the house that needs to be done is being done - minus this quick entry - and that is good. I'd rather to be doing something else but knowing this is done will make me happy. I'd rather Little Cat be doing something else as well since running up the chair, bouncing off the wall, running down the chair, off the hope chest, turning around, bounding back the way he came, run aroudn the floor, REPEAT is getting annoying. Meh. Meh. Meh.

A good side though was my smoothie this morning made me go "nah" as I walked past Dunkin Donuts. Yay! Don't get me wrong I'm not totally anti-donuts but I feel so much better w a smoothie breakfast. It keeps with my get/stay healthy new years resolution as well. I'm doing pretty good w them so far.

Todays 10 for Tuesday: 10 Fav sports moments...errr well 4.

1. White Sox winning world series

2. Being on TV due to a Erstad home run a couple of years ago.

3. Watching the Hawks play new years day in the 09 Winter classic

4. Going to my first Cubs game w my Cubs fan hubby and being on tv serious faced with everyone else dancing around

Ok now I'm off to get whatever it being kitty-chomped on right now and back to work.

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