Sunday, April 26, 2009

super nap

Last night's nap prior to going out later turned into super sleep. (I needed super sleep but didn't realize that until today.) It wasn't that anything bad had happened just timing didn't end up as planned so plans were scapped. I am a firm believer in naps. Naps are good. Some people really could use a nap. If you think of it in terms of toddlers, they get cranky when they need sleep. As adults we forget this, while still getting crabby, and keep pushing on.

This all said I should be in bed now. The joys of the internet once again sucked me in with the glowing goodness and here I am trying to wind down. The Mt Dew and Hershey bar could also be to blame. Same with the last episode of Grey's Anatomy which was streamed online tonight.

That, however, led to knitting which is also good. I got to the point of the dropped stitch, picked that up, and went happily on my way. It's looking quite nice and I forsee myself making more in the future just with a better timeframe/plan.

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