Sunday, December 21, 2008

Baby, it's cold in the Christmas song and the weather.

Mother Nature decided to taunt us as was the case for most of the midwest(... U.S.... North America.) Thursday I lucked out in that the snow didn't come until after my stability ball class. I had initially thought it'd be too bad outside so I'd just work out at home but it surprised me. Friday we got it though, and quite bad. The brickwork on the back of the house was iced. I wish I could have gotten a pic but with the big camera sans battery I know my usual everyday one wouldn't get the full deal. It was like recessed bricks mortared in ice and snow - very whimsy. The dogs were and still are amused with the snow. I do plan to get at least one pic of the both of them all snowy snouted.

Luckily this year there was no holiday knitting. I have the few WIPs that I've been working on but nothing that needs to be done in 4 days. I do need to get one more present (tomorrow?) but I have an idea and it's a reason to go to Target again. Wrapping is the next plot as well as deciding whether or not to send more than a few cards this year. I had meant to before this week but never found my intended time to start them minus the signature via The Husband. Realistically, I could sign both of our names and he wouldn't care. Even with the lackluster card-ing this year, I'm really excited about Christmas. This being my first "official" year in the house and the first year with lights on the house it makes me smile.

One more thing smile inducing is how Q101 ( doing 16 years in 1 days. Basically they are playing the top 101 songs of the last 16 years one year/day at a time. It makes me really happy to be hearing some great 90s musics. Millenium - Killing Joke being one I always smile when I hear on the radio. (I made a lil list of songs I wanted to include and the teeny tiny post-it is now missing. I know I'll find it stuck to something in the next few days/weeks. )Nixmusic and I have been traveling memory lane and getting a good laugh about some of the songs and times associated with them.

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