Sunday, June 14, 2009

Frankie is semi-napping in the window making his deflating sound. (I've heard a cat sigh before but never like he does esp when it's various pitches and so almost melodic.) It's the end of the weekend while I do know that lots was done it still feels like it went by too quickly. Perhaps that is the key, stuff was completed/started/attemped.

I attacked the giant weeds that were trying to take over the yard. Hugo - as in Hugo thinks he is the boss - gave the biggest of the fights. I know I should have just pulled the bull thistle when it was smaller but forgetting it led to it getting preeeetty big which made me wonder just how big can it get. It was more so til I was sick of it. I was looking at it while hooping yesterday - which I still need to do today - and decided it was going out w this weeks yard waste bins. I do have a nice place for that wildflower mix since it is gone.

Gardening adventures have continued with the purchase of self-watering flower pots for the tomatoes and the pepper plant. I've never grown hot peppers before so I hope they do well.

Our hammock is still not up and in a way that is a good thing. Today was a perfect sit in the hammock day. Frankie agress as he makes another deflating sound. He, however, is not allowed outside and would probably get stuck in the hammock anyways.

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