Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Feeling a little fuzzy

028/365: Outtake
Originally uploaded by mustbuymoreyarn
The weather has decided to go from upper 80s/lower 90s to 60s and my head is not happy. The lovely allergies.& incoming headcold has taken away all my energy for the creative 365s for the past two days. BLAH!

I am ALMOST done with the current skein though it likes to grow as I am moving along. I give it til the end of the week and then a new one starts.

Taste of Chicago is in full swing but isn't really making me want to go this year. They added gates for security reasons since people are dumb and bring a gun or two to the Taste. I don't understand it but as I said stuuuupid to bring a weapon to a family festival and be the one moron in a group of good people. Pffft! i digress so it's security gated entry points which kind of kills my in/samosas/out plan that has worked so well the past few years. Oh well. It not being super sunny made me not want to bring the digicam so perhaps next year.

The giant plant outside the kitchen window is gone. We thought it was some sort of plant in the terms of to be kept but it ended up being some sort of weed that neither of us had seen and Dad ended up telling us. Oops. At least we get more light in now.

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